Reply To: Post on “Saññā Gives Rise to Most of the Vedanā We Experience”


Lang asked: “So, we don’t attach to “distorted sanna“, but to samphassa-ja-vedana right?”

  • Yes. I had not expressed this correctly in my initial response. I just revised it to make it clear.
  • samphassa-ja-vedana” arises due to “distorted sanna”  for those who have not broken the corresponding samyojana/anusaya.

Lang asked: “I must say I am still digesting the concept of “distorted sanna” (working my way through slowly), so, about my other question: can we call it “uppatti bhavanga sanna“?”

  • Yes. You could say that. Anyone born with a human body will have the “kama sanna” common to all of us: Sugar or a nice meal tastes good, feces smells bad while a rose smells good, there are handsome men and beautiful women, etc.