Reply To: Post on “Saññā Gives Rise to Most of the Vedanā We Experience”


Such educational discussion!

— Under #50692, Lal wrote:
“Puthujjana (or even a Sotapanna) may attach to such “mind-made vedana” because they do not understand that they are not “real” at a deeper level.”

So, attachment is really attachment to a vedana, and I can see that via paticca samuppada (the niddesa version):

salayatana paccaya samphassa-ja-vedana, samphassa-ja-vedana paccaya tanha


— also under #50692
“Those below the Anagami stage (who have not fully grasped how “bahidda sanna” arises, would automatically be attached to that “bahidda sanna,” thinking it would benefit oneself.”

Do we also attach to sanna? I thought the flow would be:

sanna –> vedana –> tanha

Also, we discussed “distorted sanna”. If we can make up a phrase, can we call “distorted sanna” “uppatti bhavanga sanna“?
