Reply To: About manomaya kaya


Hadaya vatthu can generate suddhatthaka and also kammic energies below the suddhatthaka level (dhammā.

  • Those at or above the suddhatthaka level are released to the physical world as utuja rupa while javana cittas arise. 
  • Those below the suddhatthaka level are released to vinnana dhatu as dhammā while javana cittas arise. Then such kammic energies (dhammā) stay in vinnana dhatu until their vipakas are brought; they decay with time, and some become nullified without bringing vipaka.

Regarding the question: “I would like to know how the manomaya kaya gives commands to the physical body.”

  • The manomaya kaya has a blueprint of the physical body. The physical body grows according to that blueprint. As the physical body grows, manomaya kaya (also called a “kirana kaya” because it is a subtle body, essentially the gandhabba) also “expands.” The brain in the physical body overlaps “the brain” in the manomaya kaya and transfers the processed information on sensory inputs to the manomaya kaya. The hadaya vatthu gets that information via the manomaya kaya.
  • It would be the reverse process when the hadaya vatthu sends commands to the brain, for example, to move body parts.