Yash wrote: “If that person would have been open minded and truly in search of the truth, he would have listened to you and also tried to do some research by himself. So practically nothing it is that we can do in such a matter.”
You are right. I did not realize that people tend to be quite sensitive towards this stuff. We are living in a really unique time of the world where modern science helps verify many aspects of Buddha Dhamma and many fascinating research like NDE, Rebirth accounts from children, etc. have been done that support the Dhamma and are easily accessible via internet. The explanations are there. All one needs to do is have an open mind and make an effort to go through them. Sadly many people create a road block for themselves out of their own ignorance and ego. Could this be some kamma vipaka?
Another example is one of my close friends who still thinks Buddhism belongs to the same category as Hinduism, despite me repeatedly encouraging him to look into Dhamma sources like this website. I was so disappointed when he claimed Buddha taught “Nirvana” and insinuated that I shouldn’t be like Christian missionaries trying to convert people into my religion, smh. Like dude, how can you tell me what to do when you are not even close to having a basic understanding of Buddha’s teachings?