I believe I might have made an error in my understanding.
Q1. In the “namarupa paccaya salayatana” step, does not it refer to the switch of indriya into ayatana?
Q2. Additionally, in the context of “idappaccayata paticca samuppada,” does “jati” refer to the way one is born (jati) into a certain level of mind(bhava)? If that is the case, doesn’t it mean using indriya as ayatana?
Idappaccayatā Paṭicca Samuppāda – Bhava and Jāti Within a Lifetime
#13<br />
“Part of it will fuel an “angry bhava” in this life. Both of them have created “angry bhava” and are now “born in an “angry state.” Thus, “bhava paccayā jāti” has already taken place. That is jāti in IPS.”
Jāti – Different Types of Births
(vi) The sensory faculties start working as āyatana after the baby is born. This is the last āyatanānaṃ paṭilābho stage.
Q3. If Q1 and Q2 have no error, how are namarupa paccaya salayatana and IPS jati two different?