June 25, 2024 at 4:28 pm
Arrogance exists because of the perception of “me” and “mine.”
- So, it disappears completely only at the Arahant stage when the “asmi mana” (or “mana“) anusaya/samyojana is removed.
- However, it decreases as one advances on the path at the Sotapanna, Sakadagami, and Anagami stages.
‘ahaṅkāramamaṅkāramānānusaya’ = ahaṅkāra mamaṅkāra māna anusaya
- “Ahankāra” (aham kāra) and “mamankāra” (mama kāra) originate with “me” (aham) or “mine” (mama.)
- That perception (saññā) will be there as long as māna anusaya is there.
- P.S. But the wrong view (ditthi) about a “me” or “mine” goes away with the removal of sakkaya ditthi at the Sotapanna stage.