Reply To: On “Attā” as “Self” – Wrong Translation in Many Suttās


Will select the target “new window” next time. Also got your point on why ahme should not be “us”

Lal: Amhe” means “belonging to us/ of value to us/ ours” and NOT “us.”

“belonging to us” and “of value to us” is quite different in meaning. In this case should ahme be taken as “belonging to us” instead of “of value to us”, since the sutta is about giving up what’s not yours? The sutta did not mention  anything about “benefit”. In that case, the subsequent meaning of attā will have to be adjusted as well, to more of ownership rather than benefit.

I understand that attā could mean “of benefit” in other cases, but it does not seem applicable here based on the rest of the sutta.