June 19, 2024 at 8:42 am
Even though ditthi and sanna vipallasa are critical concepts, only one sutta discusses the types of vipallasa: “Vipallāsa Sutta (AN 4.49).”
- There are some descriptions in the Tipitaka Commentaries.
- I feel that some of the related suttas have been lost. The Tipitaka survived only because some civil servants of the British government in Sri Lanka and other Asian countries collected and preserved whatever copies they could find. See “Preservation of the Dhamma.”
- However, we can compile a coherent description using related material from other suttas. I will try to do that in the revised version of the post “Vipallāsa (Diṭṭhi, Saññā, Citta) Affect Saṅkhāra.”