Reply To: On Vipallāsa (Diṭṭhi, Saññā, Citta) Affect Saṅkhāra


Ven. Waharaka Thero also touches on this in this Desana

At 8.46 he says that only Ditthi Vipallasa is removed at Sotapanna stage for anicca. At 9.15 he says that all ditthi, sanna and citta vipallasa of anatta is removed at sotapanna stage.

However at 9.36 there is contradiction as he says that all vipallasas for anicca and anatta are removed at sotapanna stage. He then says that sanna and citta vipallasa remains for dukkha and asubha.

This is an english translation, which is why there may be some contradictions in the translation.