Reply To: Determinism


The sutta refers to several Kappas. During this time, they witnessed the destruction and reformation of the earth. It is obvious they also observed their lives in the apayas, as well as in Brahma and other worlds. This is surely why the yogis of the past taught moral living. Sila was known long before the coming of Lord Buddha. Despite this evidence, the human mind is often hindered by micchādiṭṭhi, making it challenging to break free. An example is heliocentrism. It may seem surprising, but some people believe that the Earth revolves around the sun despite evidence to the contrary. It is very hard to come out of micchādiṭṭhi. This is the case of those yogis with iddhi powers. Despite evidence that they have been powerless countless times, they continue to believe in stable happiness in this world. They realized that they couldn’t sustain their lives in other bhavas. Even though it’s Annica’s nature, they struggled to grasp this concept. They continue to believe that they can attain lasting happiness as long as they engage in Jhanas.



3.1.2. Partial Eternalism

It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this state of existence.

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati, yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati.

Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness.

Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati.

By dint of keen, resolute, committed, and diligent effort, and right application of mind, they experience an immersion of the heart of such a kind that they recollect that past life, but no further. 

Agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajito samāno ātappamanvāya padhānamanvāya anuyogamanvāya appamādamanvāya sammāmanasikāramanvāya tathārūpaṁ cetosamādhiṁ phusati, yathāsamāhite citte taṁ pubbenivāsaṁ anussarati, tato paraṁ nānussarati.

They say:

So evamāha:

‘He who is Brahmā—the Great Brahmā, the Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, the Universal Seer, the Wielder of Power, God Almighty, the Maker, the Creator, the First, the Begetter, the Controller, the Father of those who have been born and those yet to be born—by the we were created. He is permanent, everlasting, eternal, imperishable, remaining the same for all eternity.

yo kho so bhavaṁ brahmā mahābrahmā abhibhū anabhibhūto aññadatthudaso vasavattī issaro kattā nimmātā seṭṭho sajitā vasī pitā bhūtabhabyānaṁ, yena mayaṁ bhotā brahmunā nimmitā, so nicco dhuvo sassato avipariṇāmadhammo sassatisamaṁ tatheva ṭhassati.

There are gods named ‘depraved by play.’ They spend too much time laughing, playing, and making merry. And in doing so, they lose their mindfulness, and they pass away from that host of gods

Santi, bhikkhave, khiḍḍāpadosikā nāma devā, te ativelaṁ hassakhiḍḍāratidhammasamāpannā viharanti. Tesaṁ ativelaṁ hassakhiḍḍāratidhammasamāpannānaṁ viharataṁ sati sammussati. Satiyā sammosā te devā tamhā kāyā cavanti.

It’s possible that one of those beings passes away from that host and is reborn in this state of existence.

Ṭhānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhikkhave, vijjati yaṁ aññataro satto tamhā kāyā cavitvā itthattaṁ āgacchati.

Having done so, they go forth from the lay life to homelessness.

Itthattaṁ āgato samāno agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati.

By dint of keen, resolute, committed, and diligent effort, and right application of mind, they experience an immersion of the heart of such a kind that they recollect that past life, but no further.

Agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajito samāno ātappamanvāya padhānamanvāya anuyogamanvāya appamādamanvāya sammāmanasikāramanvāya tathārūpaṁ cetosamādhiṁ phusati, yathāsamāhite citte taṁ pubbenivāsaṁ anussarati, tato paraṁ nānussarati.

  • Here we can clearly see that they recall their Brahma or Deva bhava through meditation. Therefore, I believe it is incorrect to assume that an anariya yogi is only capable of perceiving their human bhava.