June 9, 2024 at 7:12 am
From the Dhamma perspective, it is immoral to pay for sex.
- It is OK to engage in sex with one’s lawful partner. All other activities fall under “sexual misconduct.”
- But bhikkhus are prohibited from engaging in any sexual activity. Anyone who cannot abide by that “Vinaya rule” should not become a bhikkhu.
- We are trapped in the “kama loka” primarily because of our craving for sex. Again, the “pleasure of sex” is “mind-made, even though hard to believe. Also, “the beauty of a woman,” or the “handsomeness of a man,” is not absolute/real; it is a “distorted sanna.” I hope to explain that via Paticca Samuppada in the future. The main ideas are in the “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” section.
P.S. See “Is It Necessary for a Buddhist to Eliminate Sensual Desires?“