Reply To: Convincing Pet Lovers

Yash RS

Puthujjanas, even though they might see the drawbacks of such actions,still indulge in those as they don’t know any alternative way of true happiness. They have not yet realised the Peace and Calmness that comes from staying away from such actions is of great value. That is unconditional happiness.

So they continue to indulge in such things. The fact is that Even a Sakadagami indulges in sensuality. He has realised dhamma to a great extent and yet his mind is attached to such mind made pleasures(at a lower level). So what about puthujjanas? They will continue to do that, they lack wisdom in this regard. 

The only way to feel pleasure (here, mental) , is to first vex for that or rather be in a state of depression/ stress . Now try to get relief out of that stress. You will feel pleasure.

So this could have been a more “lay level” point that you could have made.

Their mind is deliberately creating/ accumulating all that stress to feel relief later and to experience pleasure! This is a very very crucial point to understand! I hope I am able to express the gravity of this issue.

If their dog dies, they will get stressed and then they will recall all those memories to get relief from it, and then feel pleasure. What a pitiful life! 

Just like an Olympic winner has earned a Gold medal from years of intense effort, he will feel great happiness upon achieving this success. But what next? Is that happiness forever? Usain Bolt   retired at a much younger age only because he felt no competition(no vexation/wanting). He couldn’t really feel the happiness when he used to feel in his early career, as there was a goal in the mind ( wanting/vexation) . And once it was achieved pleasure was felt, and then nothing else.