Reply To: Definition of Energy in Buddha Dhamma


I am not sure what you mean by that. Please elaborate on that.

I think I worded it a little poorly but based on above discussion, I meant to say that there is indeed an energy from the mind that is sent to the brain by the gandhabba when an individual decides to perform an action. This involves the cittas generated by the hadaya vatthu which comes from the kammic energy that created the gandhabba (and currently sustains it) but if the action is kammically neutral, it does not further create any kammic energy that can ripen in the future.

Dr. Lal, you wrote above: “(i) New kammic energy is created (with javana citta) only when generating abhisankhara with raga, dosa, and/or moha.” Moral actions also create kammic energy and involve abhisankhara. Do they not involve the opposite of raga and dosa (and maybe moha depending on the action)? Also, does this mean kammically neutral actions don’t create any javana citta?