June 2, 2024 at 9:14 am
All bodily actions and speech are initiated in the mind.
- However, not all actions leave a “kammic residue” that can lead to vipaka in the future.
- All actions have vipaka (results). However, actions that do not involve raga, dosa, and/or moha only bring results at that time. For example, getting a glass of water to quench thirst is an action that will have no future consequences. The mind gets that task done, and that is the end of it. No future kammic consequences. The same applies to most things we do in a day (driving to work, cooking meals, etc.)
- Actions with raga, dosa, and/or moha may bring some vipaka (results) at that time and some in the future.
- When one gets angry and hits someone, that anger makes one’s face “distort” (one can easily identify an “angry face”), and that is a result (vipaka) that manifests at that time. But the rest of the kammic energy is “deposited” in the vinnana dhatu to bring vipaka for that immoral action in the future.
In all cases, a signal must be sent from the mind to the brain to move that body part the way the mind wants.
- P.S. ANY energy spent by the brain (and involved in moving body parts) comes from the food we eat. Those energies are NOT kammic energies.
- Please ask questions if the above is not clear. These are the basic/fundamental facts of Buddha Dhamma.