Reply To: Definition of Energy in Buddha Dhamma


Kammic energy is immeasurably small. 

  • Kammic energy does not directly do any “macroscopic work,” like moving a hand or even batting an eyelid. 
  • Pathfinder’s example, “mind energy > electrical energy > kinetic energy to move the hand,” is not correct. The energy to move a hand does not come directly from kammic energy generated in the mind. In fact, no kammic energy is generated to move a hand if that action is a “neutral action,” like picking up a glass of water to drink.
  • Now, if a hand is moved to hit someone with anger, that generates kammic energy. But that kammic energy is deposited in the vinnana dhatu to bring future vipaka for that immoral action. The energy to move our body parts comes from the food we eat.

Please keep asking questions if the above is not clear. It is important to understand it.