May 29, 2024 at 5:38 am
I forgot to mention one key aspect above.
5. Those “javana cittas” that generate kammic energies are powered by raga (caving for sensory pleasures/greed), dosa (anger/hate when one does not get one’s desired sensory pleasures), and avijja (ignorance about how all that work).
- The ability for raga, dosa, and moha/avijja to arise in a mind are based on anusaya/samyojana. Those anusaya and samyojana can be removed by comprehending the Four Noble Truths/Paticca Samuppada/Tilakkhana.
- A Sotapanna‘s mind is devoid of ditthi and vicikiccha anusaya (two of seven types of anusaya) and three of the ten samyojana. In addition, an Anagami‘s mind is devoid of kama raga/patigha anusaya and kama raga/patigha samyojana.
- An Arahant‘s mind is devoid of all anusaya/samyojana.
- See “Conditions for the Four Stages of Nibbāna.”