Thank you for your respones
Y Not: “The first is suffering, the second relief and the third happiness. Here, recovery from pain is not the happiness, but is essential for happiness to follow. There can be no happiness where there is pain. ”
Actually this brings up another query i have, which is “is there happiness in Nibbāna?” I have felt the cooling down, eg less agitated, less stress when unfortunate circumstances happen, less vexed with less desires, but i don’t feel “happier”, just “less unhappy”.
To give a crude elaboration, let’s say a normal person’s happiness is at -20 because there is a lot of suffering, it will work towards 0 with less suffering, that’s what i’m feeling now. “happiness” implies that it can go from 0 to a positive number, eg 10, 20. I have heard this word used by several monks, “finding true happiness”. Is it true that there is more after “absence of suffering?”