Reply To: Intentions Behind Giving


To Path finder : 

Sir can i submit something? I have just started to read the links to the basics which Lal sir posted.  But your observations resonate so beautifully.  We learn of a concept called “silabatta paramasa” –  one of the three fetters which a Stream Enterer -Sotapanna – transcends. I will try and articulate my submission with an example:

Example: Something inside me tells me,  not to harm animals for my food. (Basically not only mine,  everyones mind is Pure. Or inside everyone is Metta/Karuna/Softness. This is only an example and i am not suggesting any right or wrong on eating meat- please).  However, coming back to the example ,  i cant abstain from eating meat because of various reasons such as habit etc , so-  i slowly start inculcating a habit of gradually reducing the concumption,  listening to my “iner voice” . In as much i try and abstain and am still cultivating the habit, these concepts and tools (such as Punna Kamma)  will help me- to focus back – to stay on the track and are the only way i can listen and implement my inner voice. However its still a conflict , a struggle. Its  silabatta paramasa. A discipline is required , if at all i have to live as a sane human being –  but imposed from outside and i try and comply with it – seeing the facts. 

But just like fruit which ripen, winds that blows across the fields-  making the tall grass dance , my heart eventually falls in its place. Right Actions come without any “effort”. Now , i need not worry  to keep on track and from abstaining bad deeds . All i do is holistic, i have dropped eating meat now “naturally”. In fact i have forgotten about it. (example sirs.) 

Here we can see all the Metta in its full grace. Here all individuals/individuality  disappear. Man to man, man to animals, man to society, husband and wife- i dont know. Life blossoms in full glory in such  relationships.  The individual is not at all in conflict within himself , while so responding “correctly” and as required  to the situation. That is, his intentions, actions and requirements -morally, socially are in harmony- no friction at all.  He has transcended Silabatta paramasa. A “discpline” which was earlier imposed from outside and had to be implemented with great care and  effort,  now flows naturally. If it is required it flows out, else it rests.

///I am now in my 40s, may be another 20, 30 or 40 – who knows-? 

but even long after i am gone and my bones become dust, there will always be a helping hand , somewehere – someone – whose heart beats out- now does it matter an iota -that it will not be “mine” or “yours”? if so – isnt it where i too – will go when i have to go? ///

Just my submission sir. Am i correct sir? please tell me . (i could be much much  older to you- “Sir” is just a protocol, so please dont mind).