Reply To: Useful Essays from DRARISWORLD and Other Websites


The English translation of that sutta in the following link is good enough to answer your question: “Nandiyasakka Sutta (SN 55.40)” 

@marker 3.1 Nandiya asks the Buddha: ” And how does a noble disciple live negligently?”

  • Buddha says: “Firstly, a noble disciple has aveccappasāda in the Buddha.
  • But some are content with that confidence and don’t make a further effort to make progress by day and night.”
  • When they live negligently, there’s no joy. When there’s no joy, there’s no rapture. When there’s no rapture, there’s no tranquility. When there’s no tranquility, there’s suffering. When one is suffering, the mind does not become immersed in samādhi. When the mind is not immersed in samādhi, principles do not become apparent. Because principles have not become clear, they’re reckoned to live negligently.”
  • That explanation is repeated for a negligent Ariya with aveccappasāda in Dhamma and Sangha up to @marker 4.12.

@marker 5.1: The Buddha says: “And how does a noble disciple live diligently?”

  • Firstly, a noble disciple has aveccappasāda in the Buddha.
  • But they’re not content with that confidence and make further effort by day and night. When they live diligently, joy springs up. Being joyful, rapture springs up. When the mind is full of rapture, the body becomes tranquil. When the body is tranquil, they feel the bliss. And when blissful, the mind becomes immersed in samādhi. When the mind is immersed in samādhi, principles become clear. Because principles have become clear, they live diligently.
  • That explanation is repeated for a diligent Ariya with aveccappasāda in Dhamma and Sangha up to the end of the sutta.

Some people get to the Sotapanna stage and don’t make an effort to make further progress, i.e., try to get to the higher stages. Lady Visaka was a good example.

  • Many others did make that effort and attained higher magga phala.


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