March 2, 2024 at 4:24 pm
A couple of corrections:
“An anagami has only eliminated the desire for physical food (Kabalinkāhāra)”
- An Anāgāmi has removed the craving for all “close contact” with the physical body, i.e., tastes, smells, and touch (including sex). Any desire to enjoy sights and sounds associated with those is eliminated, too.
- Thus, kabaḷīkāra āhāra means craving those via all five physical senses (pañca kāma.) An Anāgāmi has removed them. I revised #4 of the post to include this.
“The Sakadagamin and Sotāpanna have these desires intact or weakened. However, they will never commit any akusala acts to enjoy these 4 types of food.”
- The correct statement is: “The Sakadagamis and Sotāpannas have these desires weakened. However, they will never commit any apayagami (i.e., can lead to rebirth in the apayas) akusala kamma to enjoy these four types of “mental food.”
“All beings below the arahant stage nourish their mind in one way or another, whether moral (the Ariyas and certain Puthujunas) or immoral (the majority of puthujunas) which will lead them to pleasant or unpleasant rebirths.”
- Usually, only the rebirths in the apayas are called “bad rebirths.” That is not possible for any Ariya, including Sotapanna Anugamis. Of course, the human realm (and even a few low-lying Deva realms) has significant suffering, too. Thus, we could say that anyone above the Anagami stage would be free of substantial suffering. Of course, death is ended only for Arahants.