December 15, 2023 at 8:05 am
Yes. The critical point is that how one responds to a particular sensory input depends on (i) the types of samyojana/anusaya rooted in the mind and (ii) the conditions prevailing at that moment.
- Now, for an Arahant, the second part does not matter since all samyojana/anusaya have been removed (and, thus, the mind cannot get defiled with raga, dosa, moha, i.e., it is a pabhassara mind). Regardless of the situation, an Arahant will NEVER respond unwisely and move away from the pabhassara mind. If all the root causes have been removed, the Paticca Samuppada cycle cannot even start.
- At the other extreme of a puthujjana (with all samyojana/anusaya intact,) the conditions present at a particular moment play a huge role. If the sensory input is strong (and tempting), one can “get attached” to it; depending on the conditions present, one can respond in many possible ways.
In the case of a puthujjana, there is “an attachment,” at least at a very subtle level for ANY sensory input.
- That is because a puthujjana‘s mind always starts with a “distorted sanna” as we have discussed in recent posts: “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā).”
- But, in most cases, even a puthujjana would not take CONSCIOUS actions if the “attachment to that sensory input (arammana)” is not strong enough. Javana cittas generating strong kammic energy (especially for rebirths) are associated only with conscious actions. Still, the mind of a puthujjana is contaminated from the beginning.