Reply To: Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery – English Discourses


Thank you for taking the time to point out the sections to watch in those videos, Jorg.

  • I watched the first three and took a quick look at the fourth.
  • I still don’t see an explanation of the “anicca nature.”

1. I think what is described here is a different concept. It is about the concept of a “self.” 

  • The Buddha explained that a “self” exists as long as the necessary causes and conditions exist. If those causes and conditions do not exist, then a “self” does not manifest. 
  • In the example of a “circle made with children holding hands,” a circle exists as long as the children are there holding hands. If they are not there or are not holding hands, there is no manifestation of a circle.

2. Anicca nature is a different concept. It leads to suffering!

  • Does the above concept of the “manifestation of something” explain how suffering arises?
  • That is only the starting point for explaining the “anicca nature.” For example, “suffering exists” if the root causes and conditions exist. 

3. The  “Ajjhattanicca Sutta (SN 35.1), “Bahiranicca Sutta (SN 35.4)“, and “Yadanicca sutta (SN 22.15)” have the above verse:

“yadaniccam tam dukkham, yam dukkham tadanattā” (“yad aniccam taṃ dukkham, yaṃ dukkham tad anattā)i.e.,

“if something is aniccadukkha arises, and one becomes helpless (anatta).” Note that “yaṃ” and “yad” have the same meaning and are used interchangeably. In the same way, “yadidaṃ” comes from “yad idaṃ.”

  • We attach to sensory inputs, and we expect our actions (based on sankhara) to bring us happiness and keep us away from suffering. If that does happen, that would be of “nicca nature.” However, nature in reality is the opposite, anicca.
  • The Buddha clarified (with Paticca Samuppada) that the world has an “anicca nature,” i.e., such actions are based on ignorance: “avijjā paccayā saṅkhāra.” That is why “sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā” AND “sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā.”

4. May be I missed something. Can anyone explain how those four segments explain the connection between anicca and dukkha?

  • P.S. It is possible that the anicca nature (connection to dukkha) was explained at a later segment in those discourses. If so, please let me know, and I can listen to those segments or the complete discourse.


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