Reply To: Post on “Ānāpānasati – Overview”

Tobias G

Link to the text: Ānāpānasati – Overview

Under #10, MN 118 is discussed.

Ānāpānassati, bhikkhave, bhāvitā bahulīkatā cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūreti.”

  • Translation: “Ānāpānasati (Bhāvanā), when developed and cultivated, fulfills the four sections of the satipaṭṭhāna (Bhāvanā.)

Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, muṭṭhassatissa asampajānassa ānāpānassatiṁ vadāmi.”

  • Translation: “I do not teach this Ānāpānasati (Bhāvanā) to those who do not have (sammāsati.”


The above means that only a Sotapanna or higher can start the correct Ānāpānasati, because he/she has samma ditthi (and samma sati). Does this apply also to satipattāna as anāpānasati fulfills satipattāna?