Reply To: Post On Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā)


Thank you for your advice and recommendation Sir,

  • “kāmaguṇa” are not intrinsic to the external object (arammana) being discussed. Those arise in one’s mind.”

That’s my current understanding of kāmaguṇa and it’s very clear to me that kāmaguṇa are not intrinsic to or in any internal or external object. That’s why I made the point that kāmaguṇa are mind made, just like kāma assāda. Kāmaguṇa arises in our minds when our defilements make contact (phassa) with a rupa or more specifically the 5 sense objects where we believe that 5 sense object is with the six characteristics “iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṃhitā rajanīyā” and when that happens kāma assāda also arises. In fact kāmaguṇa can change for the human being in a very short time. 

Based on the example it was made about the pigs, I also have thought of many examples. I was planning on bringing up some of these examples and more thoughts on kāmaguṇa at a later time. But currently I just want to take things step by step before I get ahead of myself. My thoughts on kāmaguṇa that I have in mind but haven’t written it all out comes to the similar general ideas or understanding as what you have mentioned here and taught on PD. 

Currently, I really need a second opinion or feedback to make sure that I have understood something properly. I’m going to try ask the question again, but I’ll try it in a different way. I’m sincerely sorry if I keep repeating myself with this question, but this is something that I really need to make sure that I’m not mistaken and have understood this correctly.   

“Yaṁ kho, bhikkhave, ime pañca kāmaguṇe paṭicca uppajjati sukhaṁ somanassaṁ—ayaṁ kāmānaṁ assādo.”

“The pleasure and happiness that arise from these five kinds of sensual stimulation: this is the gratification of sensual pleasures.”

Would Lal sir or anyone here disagree with me or feel that I’m mistaken if I believe / said or taught based on what I just quoted in Pali and the English translation that sukha, somanassa, piti “can” or “does” arise from kāmaguṇa and the sukha, somanassa, piti that arises from kāmaguṇa is kāma assāda?

If there are no comments, I would take that so far others are not able to notice or see any mistakes in my discernment and understanding of what was quoted in Pali and the English translation given.