Reply To: Post On Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā)


“(A) Could yāni citrāni loke and kāmaguṇa have a similar meaning? “

The verse is in the “Nibbedhika Sutta (AN 6.63)

  • The English translation there is not bad. 
  • Nete kāmā yāni citrāni loke” means “The world’s pretty things don’t have sensual pleasures.”
  • P.S. Sensual pleasures are mind-made due to kāmaguṇa arising in the mind.


“(B) I thought of something, could the teaching of kāmaguṇa be connected with the teachings of the ayatana’s? Like how our senses are indriya’s, then becomes ayatana’s when kāmaguṇa arises and kāmaguṇa describes this manifestation of ayatana’s or something?”

  • Yes. Sense faculties (indriya) turn into ayatana when a mind attaches to a sensual object. That attachment happens because of the six types of “kāmaguṇa” (six characteristics: “iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṃhitā rajanīyā”) that arise in the mind.
  • For an Arahant, indriyas do not turn into ayatana because none of those six characteristics arise in the Arahant‘s mind. So, they see, hear, etc., but no attachment.