Reply To: Post On Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā)


From post Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā)

Vedanā Due to Kāma Guṇa Are Not “samphassa-jā-vedanā“

5. However, this sōmanassa vēdanā  that arises due to kāma guṇa are NOT the “samphassa-jā-vēdanā.” Somanassa vēdanā due to kāma guṇa arises in an Arahant, as well as in an average human.

  • Let us clarify with some examples. Sugar or honey has a “kāma guna” of sweetness. That holds for everyone, from an average person to an Arahant. A beautiful woman will be seen as such by anyone from an ordinary person to an Arahant.

Is revision needed since Kāma Guṇa doesn’t arise in an Arahant?

As well if Kāma Guṇa doesn’t arise in an Arahant, than Sāmisa Vedanā doesn’t arise in an Arahant as well?

From the same post Kāma Guṇa – Origin of attachment (Tanha)

Vedanā Due to Kāma Guṇa Are Sāmisa Vedanā

6. There is a unique name for those “automatically-arising” vēdanā due to kāma guna. They are sāmisa vēdanā.

  • The word sāmisa has origins in the keyword “āmisa,” which means “associated with the sensual world” or “kāma lōka.” Thus, sāmisa sukha vēdanā means a “pleasant feeling” that arises due to the nature of the kāma lōka.
  • An Arahant, as well as an average human, will experience similar “sāmisa vēdanā.” Any sensory event of kāma lōka is a sāmisa vēdanā.