Reply To: Post On Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā)

While I continued to investigate into this matter, I came across this. 
Page 146 (not scanned page) The comprehensive manual of Abhidhamma:
“Though it may seem that pleasure and pain also accompany the other four kinds of sense consciousness, the Abhidhamma maintains that the immediate moment of sense consciousness in these cases is necessarily accompanied by neutral feeling. In the javana phase belonging to the same cognitive process as the moment of sense consciousness, and in subsequent mind-door processes taking the same object, mental pleasure (that is, somanassa or joy) may arise towards an agreeable sight, sound, smell, or taste; mental pain (that is, domanassa or displeasure) may arise towards a disagreeable sight, etc.; and equanimity or neutral feeling (upekkha) may arise towards an object regarded with indifference or detachment. These, however, are mental feelings rather than physical feelings, and they arise subsequent to the moment of bare sense consciousness rather than in immediate association with the bare sense consciousness. As they occur in the javana phase, these feelings are associated with wholesome or unwholesome consciousness, or — in the case of the joy and equanimity experienced by Arahants — with functional consciousness. 
Initially I was thinking that domanassa could arise in Arahants due to Kāma Guṇa, but after reviewing some Abhidhamma I’m starting to believe that domanassa doesn’t arise in an Arahant or the Buddha even if it’s due to Kāma Guṇa. My current understanding is that domanassa is only associated with dosa as a root (dosamulacittani). The Buddha and Arahants have eradicated all kilesa, that should mean there’s no dosamula citta’s which then domanassa doesn’t arise. Unless domanassa can arises in other ways besides from being rooted in the dosamula citta’s?
I just thought of this, but would Kāma Guṇa and pancakkhandha be associated? If so then it seems like Kāma or Kāmā or kāmehicould be associated to panca upadanakkhandha, while Kāma Guṇa could be associated with pancakkhandha?