Reply To: Post On Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā)

Trying to gain a better understanding about Kāma Guṇa, I thought of taking an Abhidhamma approach and used Bhikkhu Bodhi’s the comprehensive manual of Abhidhamma. On page 69 (not the scanned page) it mentions about wholesome result rootless consciousness kusalavipakaahetukacittani.
“Seven of these types of consciousness correspond to the unwholesome-resultants. But whereas the unwholesome-resultants arise in regard to an undesirable object, the wholesome-resultants arise in regard to an object that is desirable (ittha) or extremely desirable (ati-ittha). The first four sense consciousness here, like their counterparts, are associated with equanimity, that is, neutral feeling; but the impact of the object on the body being strong, the feeling associated with wholesome-resultant body-consciousness is that of bodily pleasure (sukha). 
The rootless wholesome-resultants include one type of consciousness without a counterpart among the unwholesome-resultants. This is the investigating consciousness accompanied by joy (somanassa). Whereas the investigating consciousness resulting from unwholesome kamma is always accompanied by neutral feeling, that resulting from wholesome kamma is twofold: one accompanied by neutral feeling, arisen in regard to a moderately desirable object, and one accompanied by joy, which arises when the object is especially desirable”. 

Is there a connection between kusalavipakaahetukacittani and Kāma Guṇa?  

It’s interesting to me seeing the Pali word “iṭṭhā” which arise in regards to an object that is desirable”. I notice that “iṭṭhā” also shows up as a description for Kāma Guṇa. 

“Pañcime, bhikkhave, kāmaguṇā.” Katame pañca?

Cakkhuviññeyyā rūpā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṁhitā rajanīyā,