Reply To: post on Vipallāsa (Diṭṭhi, Saññā, Citta) Affect Saṅkhāra

Tobias G

Thank you, Lal!

You say:

Second verse: 

The first vipallāsa (asubhe subha) leads to kāma raga. That is  kāma upādāna.

The second vipallāsa (dukkhe sukha) leads to expectations of future existence (anāgataṁ bhava.That is  silabbata upādāna.

The third vipallāsa (anatte atta) leads to distorted views (viparīto diṭṭhi.That is diṭṭhi upādāna.

The fourth vipallāsa (anicce nicca) leads to upādāna with the idea that pancupadanakkhandha is fruitful  (khandhe attato upādiyati.That is attavāda upādāna.


The first two vipallasa are not removed for a Sotapanna. Thus he/she still “enjoys” kama assada and bhava in general. 

Third vipallasa is removed for a Sotapanna –> micca ditthi.

Fourth vipallasa is also removed for a Sotapanna –> sakkāya diṭṭhi or the wrong view that pancupadanakkhandha is fruitful.