Reply To: About SN22.95 Pheṇapiṇḍūpamasutta


Lal, I have been reading more about Ghana saññā from your recommended posts. This time I have understood the concept of Yathābhūta ñāna better than before.

#1 However, It is still bit unclear that why Ghana saññā is such a critical concept?

#2 Also, What are consequences of having AND not having Ghana saññā?

#3 Why is it said that one understands the world properly only when all ten saṃyojana are removed i.e. with arhant phala?

#4 this is something I found on internet;

Why does a table also feel solid? Many websites will tell you that this is due to the repulsion – that two negatively charged things must repel each other. But this is wrong, and shows you should never trust some things on the internet. It feels solid because of the dancing electrons.

If you touch the table, then the electrons from atoms in your fingers become close to the electrons in the table’s atoms. As the electrons in one atom get close enough to the nucleus of the other, the patterns of their dances change. This is because, an electron in a low energy level around one nucleus can’t do the same around the other – that slot’s already taken by one of its own electrons. The newcomer must step into an unoccupied, more energetic role. That energy has to be supplied, not by light this time but by the force from your probing finger.

So pushing just two atoms close to each other takes energy, as all their electrons need to go into unoccupied high-energy states. Trying to push all the table-atoms and finger-atoms together demands an awful lot of energy – more than your muscles can supply. You feel that, as resistance to your finger, which is why and how the table feels solid to your touch.
