Reply To: Debunking the Great AI Lie – Video


I chatted with the new ChatGPT this morning, which is supposed to be a form of artificial intelligence (AI).

Following is the conversation:

Can a Creator exist?
– Yes, it is possible for a creator to exist. The concept of a creator is a common theme in many belief systems, including many religions and mythologies. In these belief systems, a creator is typically described as a divine being or force that brought the universe into existence. However, the existence of a creator is a matter of belief and cannot be proven or disproven through scientific means.

Doesn’t it violate the principle of cause and effect?
– The principle of cause and effect states that every event or action has a cause that precedes it and leads to the event or action. This principle is a fundamental concept in many fields, including science, philosophy, and logic.

So doesn’t the concept of a creator violate that principle?
– The concept of a creator, as it is commonly understood in many belief systems, does not necessarily violate the principle of cause and effect. In these belief systems, the creator is typically considered to be the ultimate cause of the universe and everything in it. In other words, the creator is seen as the initial cause that set the chain of events and actions in motion, leading to the universe and all of the things in it.

But what caused the creator?
– The concept of a creator, as it is commonly understood in many belief systems, is typically considered to be the ultimate cause of the universe and everything in it. This means that the creator is seen as the initial cause that set the chain of events and actions in motion, leading to the universe and all of the things in it. As such, the creator is not itself caused by anything else. Rather, it is the cause of everything else.

Does every cause lead to an effect?
– Yes, according to the principle of cause and effect, every cause leads to an effect. This means that every event or action has a cause that precedes it and leads to the event or action. The principle of cause and effect is a fundamental concept in many fields, including science, philosophy, and logic.

Don’t the necessary conditions need to be satisfied for a cause to lead to an effect?
– Yes, it is generally believed that certain necessary conditions must be satisfied in order for a cause to lead to an effect. For example, in the scientific study of causality, it is often assumed that a cause must precede its effect in time and that the cause must be related to the effect in some way. However, the specific necessary conditions for causality can vary depending on the context and the particular approach used to study it.

So your statement, “Yes, according to the principle of cause and effect, every cause leads to an effect” is wrong?
– I apologize if my previous response was unclear. While it is generally accepted that every cause leads to an effect, it is also generally believed that certain necessary conditions must be satisfied in order for this to happen. In other words, not every cause will necessarily lead to an effect unless the necessary conditions for causality are met. I hope this helps clarify my previous response.

What are conditions for the world to exist if a creator set the first cause?
– It is not possible for me to answer this question definitively, as the concept of a creator and the conditions for the existence of the universe are matters of belief and interpretation. In many belief systems, the creator is considered to be the ultimate cause of the universe, setting the initial conditions and laws that govern the universe. However, the specific conditions for the existence of the universe in these belief systems can vary depending on the particular interpretation.

Can we skip belief systems and stick to logic?
– Yes, we can certainly consider the concept of a creator and the conditions for the existence of the universe from a logical perspective. In this case, we would need to define the concept of a creator and the conditions for the existence of the universe in a way that is consistent with the laws of logic. This would allow us to reason about these concepts using logical arguments and draw conclusions based on the evidence and information available. However, it is important to note that the conclusions reached through logical reasoning may not necessarily align with the beliefs of any particular belief system.

Belief systems can be wrong. So, i like to skip that altogether?
– It is certainly true that belief systems can be wrong or inconsistent with reality. However, it is important to recognize that belief systems also provide a framework for understanding the world and our place in it. They can offer explanations for the origins of the universe and its workings, as well as guidance for how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. While it is important to critically evaluate belief systems and not blindly accept them, it is also important to recognize the value they can bring to our lives.

It seems to me that you are just summarizing what is in books, not necessarily logical thinking.
– As a language model trained by OpenAI, my responses are based on the information that I have been trained on, which includes a wide range of text from books, articles, and other sources. I do not have the ability to browse the internet or access new information, so my responses are limited to what I have been trained on. While I can provide information and offer explanations based on the text I have been trained on, I cannot engage in original logical thinking or provide information that is not contained in my training data. I apologize if my previous responses did not make this clear.

OK. I understand. Thank you!
– You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help clarify. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to provide a helpful response based on the information I have been trained on.

I have bolded the critical statements from the ChatGPT at the end.
– There is no “intelligence” involved in the sense of original, logical thinking. Only humans are capable of that.
– But it can quickly summarize what it has learned based on the information fed to it by the programmers!