Reply To: Approach to Dhamma


While wondering about the instructional model of Dhamma, I came up with the more compact Dhamma for people without any background knowledge of Buddha Dhamma. I pondered what the curriculum would be like if there were no misconceptions. And here is what I thought.

Understanding and applying concepts should go together in one step. To do that, I would like to introduce the General Form Explanation. It uses the superset – subset mechanism. A superset is a general approach so people can access the meaning of learning Dhamma. And the logic in the superset applies in the subset, which is a more detailed approach. As a result, the connection of concepts is more standing forth.

For example, majjhima patipada is a subset of how to solve problems or not to repeat a mistake. So, the General Form Explanation of the given concept is one-to-many correspondence. This way, we can explain one dhamma concept in many ways, leading people to learn more aspects and piece them together to create a whole picture. Therefore, it would be good to configure the same concept repeatedly.

Onto our next subject, I organized the learning concepts according to the amount of information. The first is Tilakkhana, the second is Ariya Sacca, and the third is Paticca Samuppada. Since we need to understand these three things correctly, I aim to provide only the necessary information to attain the sotapanna stage.

I also made it possible to apply what we learned earlier to the new learning concept. This calls the transfer of learning. Therefore the starting point has little information, so readers have less burden. The amount of education will increase cumulatively. On the one hand, it plans to distribute the amount of learning appropriately according to the amount a person can digest at once.

Lastly, it would be better to reduce the amount of text as much as possible. The website’s goal is to provide sufficient information to become a Sotapanna. So the details which are not essential or less critical should be replaced by a link to the existing site. If there is no misconception about bhava and jati, there is no need to give many details about gandabba. Reducing the percentage of explanations for gandabba on the new website would be better. But understanding manomaya kaya is critical. So we should not subtract it entirely.

+) Recently, I got to know a good painter in the Korean Pure Dhamma Community. He said he would help me with the graphic novel work, so I think I can show you the drawing earlier than I thought. Much merits to him for his work!