Reply To: I Have Been working on Pure Buddha Dhamma MindMap.


Hi, everyone.

I have added 150+ new nodes into the MindMap in recent update. As of writing this now map contains 600+ data nodes about pure buddha Dhamma.

– map structure
– pañcakKhanda section
– detailed Meanings of viññana with example
– detailed section on yathabhuta Nana (true nature of suddhāṭṭhaka/bhutā)
– Detailed section on cetasika (all 52 cetasika details)

(Side note: although I have updated the MindMap on website it might take few hours for update to reflect on website. Since this is different kind of hosting and as of writing this, despite updating the map it shows the old cached page.)

I hope it will be useful to everyone for understanding buddha Dhamma.

That’s it for now!

Much metta.