Reply To: Early Buddhist Meditation The Four Jhanas as the Actualization of Insight


I don’t know what those two suttas are. But the principle is the following.

1. A Sekha is an Ariya at or above the Sotapanna Anugami stage. One who has SEEN that Nibbana is the cessation of existence (and that suffering will persist until getting to full Nibbana or Parinibbana.)
– A Sekha is a “trainee/practitioner” who is working to get to the Arahant stage.

2. One transcends or “goes above the Sekha stage” by following the Noble Path.
– He/she has “Samma Ditthi” and now needs to complete the rest of the 7 factors.

As mentioned in Christian’s above (second) post, overcoming “kāma” is not easy for a Sekha.
– Another way to say the same is as follows: A Sotapanna has removed “diṭṭhi vipallāsa.” “Saññā vipallasa” removed at the Anagami stage and “citta vipallāsa” removed at the Arahant stage.
– The following post provides a breakdown of how that happens in stages “Vipallāsa (Diṭṭhi, Saññā, Citta) Affect Saṅkhāra.”

A “less deep” post is “Is It Necessary for a Buddhist to Eliminate Sensual Desires?

So, I don’t see any “missing pieces.”