Reply To: Paṭha­ma­sañce­tani­ka Sutta (AN 10.217)


I just wanted to provide the correct translation for the passage quoted by Johnny at the first post on his thread:
“Mendicants, I don’t say that intentional deeds that have been performed and accumulated are eliminated without being experienced. And that may be in the present life, or in the next life, or in some subsequent period. And I don’t say that suffering is ended without experiencing intentional deeds that have been performed and accumulated.”

The Pali verse is: “Nāhaṃ, bhikkhave, sañcetanikānaṃ kammānaṃ katānaṃ upacitānaṃ appaṭi­saṃ­ve­ditvā byantībhāvaṃ vadāmi. Tañca kho diṭṭheva dhamme upapajje vā apare vā pariyāye. Na tvevāhaṃ, bhikkhave, sañcetanikānaṃ kammānaṃ katānaṃ upacitānaṃ appaṭi­saṃ­ve­ditvā duk­khas­san­takiri­yaṃ vadāmi.”

Per my explanation above and in the link provided above, the correct translation is:

“Bhikkhus, I don’t say that intentional deeds that have been performed and accumulated would not bring their results if that person had not figured out why such deeds are immoral (that understanding would require comprehension of Tilakkhana). Those results may appear in the present life, in the next life, or in future life. And I don’t say that suffering will end if that person had not figured out why such deeds are immoral

In other words, once one attains the Arahanthood ALL such kamma vipaka will end at the Parinibbana of that Arahant.
– Some of the vipaka (especially apayagami vipaka) start losing their ability to bring vipaka from the Sotapanna Anugami stage.