Reply To: what does ending of sakkaya ditthi really mean?

y not


Arahants did not sit to figure out things ,They did not speculate, much less lie.
They KNEW ‘it is so’.

But can you say the same? Is it so for you? What can you do with something
that is not in your experience? You can repeat what you heard or read, but unless there is understanding, it will get you nowhere. And the time is wasted. These ‘masters’ you mention, they all claim to be enlightened, yet I know of not even a single one who has declared any stage of magga phala, mainly because their teachings are not based on the Tipitaka. That their declaration is of enlightenment not of magga phala is the giveaway here.
I can see what prompted Christian to conclude that only Ariyas should spread the Dhamma.

This is why I say you work from standpoints you fully comprehend and accept. At the outset ,for instance, you see whether you hold any wrong view; if so, reading through relevant posts on (miccha)ditthi will help, then on to resolving to live by the Precepts,becoming generous with others..and so on, things you can apply, things that will change your outlook on life and yourself. You can see real benefits. What difference does it make at that point whether a Tathagatha exist, does not exist, both exists and does not exist, neither…? However that may be, it will remain so, whether you comprehend it or not, whether you are here or not.

The emphasis is on what you can do, what you should do and what you MUST do – first to get on the Path and become free from the worst kind of suffering, then to progress on the Path and become free from subtler kinds of suffering through a fuller appreciation of Tilakkhana, the four Noble Truths, PS…you do not have to worry about the Goal, Nibbana, because That is guaranteed. Whatever it is, it must be worth striving for. But you cannot get ahead of yourself. The only step possible is the one immediately ahead.

May you attain final Release – in your own time.