Reply To: Five Niyamas-Does Every Unfortunate Event Always Have Kamma As A Root Cause?


I think there is a difference between abhidhamma and sutta.

Sutta’s list karma as one cause of many other causes for sickness, discomfort, bad feelings. If you want i will provide the sutta’s, but they are treated here earlier.

In contact with the Jains the Buddha also made clear that painful feeling can just be phyiscal and not result of bad deeds but result of painful practises. In other words, anyone will feel pain when doing certain things. If i have not jogged for a long time, and i start, i will feel pain. Do i really have to belief this pain is due to a bad past deed? I do not. This pain is just phyiscal and not rooted in past bad deeds.

But, as i understand from lal, Abhidhamma sees any sense experience as a kamma-vipaka. So whatever we see, feel, smell etc. comes to us as a kamma-vipaka. And the logic is, when this is painful it is due to a bad kamma, and when is it nice it is due to good kamma.

This is not really open for any debate.

As i said, on this topic, i feel, there is a difference between sutta’s and abhidhamma. Sutta is more open for the idea that not all we experience is some retribution of past good and bad deeds. But again, from Abhidhamma perspective this is not open for any debate.
