Reply To: Anantariya Kamma, Euthanasia and Assisted Suicides

y not

Very few indeed will be going to hell as a result of anantariya papa kamma
done in the current life. But of course, others from previous bhavas may
surface at the cutipatisandhi moment – and here lies the danger.

The Buddha is not around, of Arahants there cannot be many, if any, so it is
practically the isolated cases of the killing of mother or father that lead
there, and causing dissention (even if by the written word)that may lead to a
schism in the Sangha,and acknowledging another teacher besides the Buddha,
if that is included.

Those who have gone for Refuge (saranam) in the Buddha (Dhamma and Sangha)
alone,accepting ‘the principles proclaimed by the Realized One after considering
them with a degree of wisdom’ and those who ‘have a degree of faith and love
for the Buddha’ do not go to any of the apayas, even before attaining any stage
of magga phala (SN 55.24)

Metta to all