Reply To: habitual behaviour and suffering


Hi Lal, i tend to see it this way,

Habitual behaviour arises because there is grasping at habitual forces arising in the mind at a certain moment. I think you refer to this as sankhara’s arising. Those mental formations arising are not really ‘mine’ and ‘me’. Still, instinctively there is often the grasping moment, and from that moment on the follow up in which those grasped sankhara become motivational forces for thinking, speech and acting. I belief this works the same for the good and bad.

Because those arising sankhara are not really me or mine, there is a wrong understanding at that moment they are grasped at as me and mine.

Behaviour arises in two ways;
-1. Habitually, conditionally arising, impulsive, not free
-2. From emptiness, or ourselves, spontaneous, free.

The first is related to merit and demerit. The second is beyond merit and demerit.

Do you agree?