Reply To: AN 10.219 Karayakayasutta (The Body born o f Deeds)


“Speaking of that, AN 10.63 Nitthangatasutta opens with: all those who have come to a conclusion about me are accomplished in view. (“Ye keci, bhikkhave, mayi niṭṭhaṃ gatā sabbe te diṭṭhisampannā.) The two single words’mayi. and ‘nittham’ are not translated into English, only a ? is supplied. By ‘“all those who have come to a conclusion about me” I felt a surge of joy in the heart, taking that to mean ‘those whose confidence and faith in the Buddha has become well-grounded, unshakable , the very basis of their lives – and so they have come to hold right view” Does the original Pali justify this rendering?”

Yes. Very good. Now you can see why I say this Dhamma has been hidden all these years.

Regarding AN 4.34:
Pasāda is the key word in the sutta. It means a combination of confidence/faith/reverence/joy all combined.One who has pasāda about something becomes pasannā.
Ye, bhikkhave, buddhe pasannā, agge te pasannā” means one who has developed pasāda for the Buddha has attained the foremost pasāda.
– “agga” means foremost or best.
– So, the sutta lists four things that belong to “foremost pasāda”: Buddha, ariya aṭṭhaṅgika magga, virāga dhamma, saṅgha.

Then, “Agge kho pana pasannānaṃ aggo vipāko hoti“, means “(having) foremost pasāda leads to foremost (best) results (vipaka)”.

So, your translation was good there too.