Reply To: responsibility and dukkha


Hi Siebe,

You mentioned that if someone has some kind of responsibility towards another that they will invariably have some kind of affliction. This is true when we look at things at a glance. But if we dig deeper it may appear otherwise.

Let’s take a teacher who is responsible for a class of say 20 students and his intention is for all of them to get a good grade (an A) in the exam. However a teacher will know that all students are not capable of getting an A. So a teacher will teach to the best of his ability, catering to the individual capabilities of the students. The happiness or fulfilment of the teacher will not depend on the absolute grade that the students receive. For example if student X has the potential to get an A but receives a B the teacher will be disappointed. On the other hand if the teacher thought that student Y can only get a C and he gets a B, the teacher will be happy. So it is clear that it is this expectation that ultimately causes happiness or distress.

As a teacher, however responsible you are towards a student’s future, it is ultimately up to that student to do what he is told to. And as a teacher you have no control over what the student does. The teacher can only teach to the best of his ability, but if the student doesn’t want to learn, however capable he is, there is nothing more a teacher can do. This is the case for doctors, parents and other such people as well. When one realises this, one can perform his duties and responsibilities, without being distressed or worried.