Reply To: Arahanthood Without Purpose


Many times in my life i have felt their is a certain purpose in what was/is happening. Or afterwards i saw that. For example, one pulls a certain book out of a bookcase with many books and exactly that book has a great impact on your life. Just accidental that you choose that book?

There seems to be a certain guidance too. At least that’s what i think is happening.

Certain things that happen, one feels it is not accidental and one understands immediately, while things are happening, there is a certain purpose in what is happening. A lesson to be learned?

One immediately understands this is not accidental, this meeting, or this accident, or this event. Yes, those moments one feels like nature is talking to you and wants to express something.

The Body gives certain signals, like pain, to tell there can be something going wrong. The Mind also gives certain signals. So information is fundamentel in life.

The text mention the messangers of death, old age, sickness. Who sees this as messengers? Does life have other messengers? Why not? Maybe, for a Buddha life is all about information, all about messages. Every event is a kind of message, information.

What do we experience as a message, as a sign? This is tricky, very tricky, because this is also seen in people with great mental problems. It can be exagerated. I have experienced this myself. In a period of great confusion i saw a green sign as a kind of reward and the red sign of a traffic light as a kind of punishment. I really felt it this way. One will see this is very ego-centric, like everything in life is about me.

This seeing of signs and feeling of purpose can also be out of balance, but i will not concluse there definitely are no signs and no purpose.
