Reply To: Eric's Progress Diary


Hi Eric,

Here’s an example of what I’ve done to turn things around. Just in the last two days, I’ve experienced a wonderful calm and what many have described as “that was lucky” occurrences.

What I’ve done in the past few days was clean up past mistakes. Things like health insurance issue that wasn’t right, sharing meals with my roommate, saying a short metta bhavana (“may myself and all being everywhere, high and low, near and far be healthy, happy and free from suffering) every time a bad or unworthy thought arises, transferring merits for every good thing I do, volunteer work, etc. It’s working!

We know down deep inside the things that are either a lie or not 100% pure or generous…fix those. Yes, it may take a little effort and possibly a little embarrassing or intimidating, but one needs to start somewhere or the chaos will continue.

Do more good and more good will come your way!

Much metta!