Reply To: Multiverse: Different Physical Laws and Different Dhamma?

y not

Hello Uyap

My bit as regards this topic:

Keep in mind that a scientist, even one considered ‘great’, discovers bit by bit. And sometimes theories have to be modified or even abandoned altogether. (Doubts have recently arisen about the Big Bang itself) Also,the ‘overall view’ or world view is not complete, it cannot be, because these are people working for the most part each in their own field.

The story of the Raj and the blind men saying that what was in fact an elephant was this or that or the other depending on which part of the elephant’s body each touched is very apt. The Buddhas SEE the whole of Reality as it is. Science discovers it bit by bit, by trial and error, observation and experimention to the best that the means of the times permit.

I myself had given a lot of thought about what you are saying, infinite universes in Infinity, whether some of us have lived on other planets other than this one…and so on. The point is, unless one KNOWS there will be no end to the endless cycle of reasoming, speculation, conjecture etc. But, ask yourself, to what purpose? What benefit to yourself and others ultimately?

The Buddhas reveal that which is necessary for us to know and to apply in order to free ourselves from suffering. There must be much much more that They know and did not reveal becuase all that, although true and part of Reality as well, will only serve as an obstruction, in the sense of it being a distraction from the IMPERATIVE task we are being called to here.

y not