Reply To: Quantum Mechanics – First Three Posts


Johnny, Aganna Sutta precisely explains how the world comes into existence and at the time of dissolution, how all beings move into Abhassara Brahma realm and then depending upon gati of each of these beings, corruption starts to arrive.

Which means, beings or gandabba now start creating matter based upon their gati and hence the entire world starts to evolve.

I suggest you read this Sutta (none on internet has correct interpretation) but I found one here better than all others:

Lal is very much right that explaining Aganna Sutta which is key to mystery to everything we see is a time consuming process. I guess he will start on this at appropriate time.

In summary, everything what gandabba thinks or better using pali word of chitta is how the matter is formed using the suddastaka – 4 basic element of pathavi, apo, vayo, and tejo which is formed out of avijja and 4 upadrupa of vanna, rasa, gandha and ojha formed out of tanha or attachment.

Which means, all beings which create matter are ignorant of how these are formed due to greed, aversion and blind faith (ignorance) coupled with attachment to all that can be created. So, beings start creating through thoughts and that is how world appears for that particular being (gandabba) and disappears (marana / cuti) since it is all bramana and pari-bramana or movement of these photons and electrons which make up the entire so called universe.