Reply To: Discourse 4 – Sakkaya Ditthi – What is “a Person”?

y not

“Embodied said: “The “sine qua non” condition for not getting attached to a single material thing is not to experience it at all,or is to experience it but without getting attached ?”

Is it possible not to experience material things?

You are in a material world, all around and about; your very body is made up of planet Earth. Out of its elements an ovum and a spermatozoa developed giving rise to an organism that you entered. Now without this experiencing (that nothing there can be kept to one’s satisfaction,the realization of their ultimate worthlessness and their repeated arising and destruction) without this delusion – another word, the ‘wordly’ word, for anicca- how could there in time arise the urge to strive to be free of it? A sense of unsatisfactoriness, dukkha,results – and can this dukkha be Utimate Existence,the Perfect State, Atta? This is just one progression,as I see, put in terms more comprehensible in the West.

The solution, as Embodied hinted, is to experience, yes, but without getting attached. But that is the hard bit. The very nature of everything we experience is the nature of that which we are made of – it will be the same in higher realms, finer and finer sense objects for finer and finer sense faculties for finer and finer ‘physical’ bodies, so there is no escape there either. Whichever world we make ourselves fit for, that world we attain.

But all worlds are temporary AND anicca as well. To go beyond all the worlds, beyond all becoming, to attain the Deathless, Nibbana which is Atta, everlasting perfection in all senses , sukkha and nicca. You stop getting attached only when you see and experience time after time the hidden dukkha in all attachment. Then there is no way back possible.

So the field of endeavour is anicca (and asubha).