Reply To: Discourse 1 – Nicca, Sukha, Atta


Hi Lal,

Agreed that anicca is a property of everything in this world and that Udayavaya is one of Anicca’s characteristics. Regardless of what we think of an object, it is going to change and eventually perish. It is just like 2 houses, one occupied by a puthujjana, and the other occupied by an Arahant. Both houses WOULD NOT because the puthujjana getting so attached to his house and the Arahant not being attached to the house at all, avoid being deteriorated. Both houses WILL still deteriorate at some point of time regardless of what both of them think. Many thanks for emphasising this point. The houses not having a mind of its own, of course will not feel dukkha. I’m sure if they have consciousness, they will be no different from sentient beings, and would be able to experience and voice out their dukkha!

The Universe does not have problems. We do. – Nick Lucid

I like the above one liner from Youtuber Nick Lucid. His science asylum channel is quite interesting. Anyway, he said the universe does not have problems. We human beings do. That’s only half correct based on the observation above. We human beings like to label things as good and bad based on our likes and dislikes. But that does not free up the ‘inherent problems’ with things that we have no craving for. Just like the houses mentioned above.