Reply To: Discourse 2 – Icca, Nicca, Anicca

y not

Thanks for your reply on the Jhana and Magga Pala topic. I am
posting here in line with your request.

I have been looking forward to discourse #2, checking for it often, but I will postpone listening to it until the evening when I am relaxed.

The reason I have gone to such lenghts on this topic of dana is because I have been developing it for many years, having since years now reached, to my mind, of course, a level beyond which I do not see how I can go. And having come across, first, that sutta at Accesstoinsight some five or six years ago, and only last year across Puredhamma, I felt the need to ‘reconcile’ the two. It would be perhaps too much to say that I am expecting a sort of ‘assessment’ of the stage I am at by the ‘touchstone’ of Dhamma, for I feel this is the way I should go – scriptures or no scriptures,Buddha or no Buddha, Puredhamma or no Puredhamma. You will no doubt intuit the rest.

Ever grateful for all your efforts,

y not