Reply To: The Infinity problem – BIG doubt


Replying y not:

1. The idea that an arahant or tathagata exist after death (parinibbana) is, as far as i know, not answered with a “Yes” or “No” but put aside. I also do not know any sutta’s which makes clear what happens after death with an arahant or with the pure mind. Maybe someone can give some references?
I have not read that parinibbana means, for example, that mind becomes totally free of any body and is, for ever and Always, happy and beyond samsara in some kind of realm with individuals which all attained Nibbana.
Where can this be found?

2. If there is no unchanging entity, how can the one who suffered in so many lives be the same as the one who will reach Nibbana one day, like y-not says?
