Reply To: The Infinity problem – BIG doubt

Sammasambodhi Gami

Ven. Lal Sir,

I get the idea of what you are trying to explain.

It is also very well demonstrated in this video :

Please see –

You said : “However, at a deeper level, there is no “person” or a “satta” that lives and sees, hears, smells, tastes, touch things, and thinks AT THE SAME TIME.
There is only a series of events that occur ONE AT A TIME. When we see, we can only see; when we hear we can only hear, etc. But each of such “events” comes in as only a brief signal at a time, and is analyzed by a single citta vithi.”

Yes, I agree with you. These statements are true.

In fact Ven. Bahiya Daruciriya became an Arahant just by listening to a single discourse by Lord Buddha ! Other monks were shocked as to how a person can become an Arahant in such a short time just by listening to a single discourse.

Please see –

Actually Ven. Bahiya Daruciriya had high level of “panna” from his previous life. That is why he was able to become an Arahant in such a short time ( within minutes ! ).

But my point is not this. I think my original question was something different.

I am unable to see the link between your answer and my question. What is the connection between these two ?

Can you kindly please elaborate ?